Three Cylinder Glow Driver

From: £64.80

The compact unit operates 3 glow plugs independently using a single cell LiPo or 3 cell NimH battery. The switch-on point is programmable and the unit will automatically turn the plug off below tick over. The unit comes with a glow plug connector etc and it has a remote status L.E.D to show when the plug is powered. A Y lead is not needed as a feed through throttle servo lead is integrated into the unit. Easy setup and operation. Smart circuitry allows it to run on just a single cell lipo or 3 x NiMh. You can choose the set point for tick over operation. Low voltage warning to protect Lipo batteries (and your model!) Led confirmation of activation. Made in the UK!

Battery Pack for 5 and 7 Cylinder On Board Glow Units

We know it can be hard to find a suitable power supply for the 5 and 7 cylinder units so we have had Overlander make us one. No need to look further, a quality power supply for a quality product. 3 x 1.2 v 5,000 mAh NiMH cells wired to give 3.6V. Weight 220 grams.

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